The Ocellated Darner is one of two species of the genus Boyeria found in North America. Boyeria are often called the spotted Darners because they have bright yellow spots on their thorax instead of stripes or nothing, like most other Darners
Ocellated Darner typically spend much of the day roosting in forest shadows. They may be seen flying beginning in the late afternoon, especially when it is over cast and cooler. They are most active at twilight and fly well past sunset. Males patrol streams and rivers, typically flying rapidly low over the open water. Males are territorial and will often chase other males up and down the river
Clear streams and rivers with plenty of large boulders and a swift current
Mating and egg laying typically happens in the dark
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Range maps and checklists courtesy of Odonata Central. Copyright © 2016 OdonataCentral. All Rights Reserved. Abbott, J.C. 2006-2018. OdonataCentral: An online resource for the distribution and identification of Odonata. Available at